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Giảm tử vong do bệnh về tim

Giảm tử vong do bệnh về tim

Effect of Omega-3 Dosage on Cardiovascular Outcomes: An Updated Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of Interventional Trials

Rodríguez C, García T, Areces D, Fernández E, García-Noriega M, Domingo JC (2019).

Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 15:1193-1209.

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► Đọc bản tiếng Việt

Omega-3 fatty acids for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Abdelhamid AS, Brown TJ, Brainard JS, et al. (2020).

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 3(2):CD003177.

► Đọc bản tiếng Anh

► Đọc bản tiếng Việt


Truy cập nhanh:

Sức khỏe não bộ


Marine Omega-3 Supplementation and Cardiovascular Disease: An Updated Meta-Analysis of 13 Randomized Controlled Trials Involving 127 477 Participants

Hu Y, Hu FB, Manson JE (2019)

J Am Heart Assoc. 8:e013543

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Effects of Icosapent Ethyl on Total Ischemic Events: From REDUCE-IT.

Bhatt DL, Steg PG, Miller M, et al.; REDUCE-IT Investigators (2019)

J Am Coll Cardiol. 73:2791-2802.

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Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation and Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Glass Half Full or Time to Nail the Coffin Shut?

Maki KC, Dicklin MR (2018)

Nutrients. 10:E864

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Effects of n-3 Fatty Acid Supplements in Diabetes Mellitus

Bowman L, Mafham M, Wallendszus K, et al.; ASCEND Study Collaborative Group (2018)

N Engl J Med. 379:1540-1550

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Use of supplemental long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and risk for cardiac death: An updated meta-analysis and review of research gaps

Maki KC, Palacios OM, Bell M, Toth PP (2017)

J Clin Lipidol. 11:1152-60

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về lợi ích của EPA và DHA omega-3 để giải quyết các thách thức về sức khỏe cộng đồng.

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